Monday, March 26, 2012


Life has been pretty busy this spring, and like last year at this time, provincials just finished. I feel like I have spent too little time with my seedlings, and as I thinned my tomatoes this evening, they looked like it. They have gotten a bit leggy. Luckily, I have turned them and Mike now has the fan on them.  With the addition of the fertilizer I just brought in, they should be happy soon.

This evening I planted all my squashes. I have yellow and green zucchini, some butternut squash and some buttercup squash. I also put in some early kohlrabi and some delphiniums (flowers not food). Each of the types of seeds is so interesting as you put them in.  A number of the seeds I planted tonight are from last year, so I am not really sure what will germinate.

The last thing I planted are cucumbers, which did really well last year once they got going. I am down to my last jar of pickles and have only a few jars of salsa left, so I did more cucumbers and tomatoes this year than last. The snow is all melted this year already and the weather has been fairly warm, but it is hard to look at those seeds and really know the good food they will be in  matter of months. My spring has been a little squashed by recent stresses, but I am hoping the germination of a few edible squash will inflate my mood.